Febreeze One BuzzCampaign

What's That Smell? Spring is in the air with Febreeze One !

I received Febreeze One fabric and odor eliminator through Bzzagent to test and it arrived just in time to add a nice clean scent to the home to welcome Spring!

Febreeze One helps eliminate odor in the air and on fabric that offers a long lasting freshness

Febreeze One is available in these scents

  • Mandarin
  • Bamboo
  • Orchid
With Febreeze One there are no harsh perfumes or dyes

Febreeze One requires no refill in a non aerosol bottle that's easy to use


1. Give the nozzle a little squeeze to add a burst of fresh air into your home on either fabric or in the air till damp to help lift odors

2. You can spritz Febreeze One to help rid your home of odors on anything such as fabric or even in the air such as the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and even living room

3. Use as directed when there's an unpleasant odor

The scents that I received in my bzzkit were the Bamboo and Mandarin Scent


The bamboo Febreeze One Fabric & odor eliminator offers a nice rainforest like appeal such as the smell of rain .


I really liked the crisp clean tropical scent of the Febreeze One Mandarin Fabric & Odor Eliminator it was exotic yet light and refreshing plus it smelled like a vacation!

I enjoyed adding a burst of freshness to my home with the exotic scent of tropical mango and bamboo with the Febreeze One samples that I received through Bzzagent .

What scent of Febreeze One will whisk you away?

Look for them today at a store nearest you!  


I received no compensation for this post but was provided with samples of Febreeze One to facilitate this review for my honest opinion which in fact are my own.









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