Vita Fiber Wild Blueberry Cranberry Sauce (Vegan, Gluten Free)

Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving, now we all have that favorite dish that is a must at the table am I right? Well today I am going to talk about one of my favorites. It's tart, it's sweet, and makes for a great topping on any sandwich. I'm talking about Cranberry Sauce!

Ever since I was a kid I have always loved cranberry sauce it was what I looked forward to every Holiday especially for those leftovers sandwiches that is. Growing up we always bought the canned cranberry sauce but since then I've made my own and have never bought store bought again to me fresh is better. 

There is something about cranberry sauce that I love from the tart taste to health benefits and they are versatile from salads, to side dishes , baked goods like muffins, scones, even breads and make for the perfect spread to any sandwich.

For Thanksgiving I whipped up Medical Medium's Wild Blueberry Cranberry Sauce but switched it up a bit and used my vita fiber powder sweetener. 

I have made cranberry sauce in the past but it was missing something, a touch of sweetness that is.

This cranberry sauce isn't just tart it's slightly sweet and was the best cranberry sauce I have made to date. 

For the recipe it called for

  • 3/4 cup of frozen wild blueberries
  • 2 cups of organic frozen cranberries
  • juice of one orange
  • 1 tsp of orange zest
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 red apple chopped 
  • 1/3 cup of vita fiber powdered sweetener 

To cook up this delicious yet tart and tasty sauce I chopped up the red apple gathered the rest of the ingredients and then heated a skillet on top of the stove. As the skillet was heating up I tossed in the blueberries, cranberries, vita fiber, cinnamon sticks, orange juice, and zest on medium high heat and let it sit until tender then removed it from the heat then added everything but the cinnamon sticks into the blender and after I let it sit for a bit to cool I stored it in a container.

I was super excited that the vitafiber  offered the perfect balance of tart and sweet that I was looking for in this recipe. 

This cranberry sauce reminded me of a blueberry jam mixed with tart cranberries and the essence of warm cinnamon .



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