Hill's Science Diet Healthy cuisine dog food crowdtap sampling

A pet's health is just as important as a humans making sure they get the right amount of exercise, visits to the vet and what kind of food works for them. 

It all began with a desire for pets to lead a long healthy adventurous life with their owners strengthening the bond between them.

If you are a pet owner then you would know that if they are healthy then they are happy which makes you happy as well because they are being taken care of properly.

Jack our Jack Russell and I recently received samples of Hill's Science Diet healthy cuisine dog food through Crowdtap to try out for review and he was so excited !

He was literally jumping with excitement!

I couldn't even get him to sit still for the above photo that's how excited he was it was like he could smell it through the can the moment it arrived.

Hill's Science Diet is veterinarian recommend and free from artificial flavors or preservatives which makes me happy knowing that he eats a well balanced diet.

Hill's Science Diet healthy cuisine brand dog food comes in delectable flavors like succulent roasted chicken with carrots and spinach or braised beef with peas and carrots that are for adult aged dogs ranging from 1-6 years of age.

We have never given our fur baby Jack wet food before and wasn't sure if it would upset his stomach so we mixed in some of the canned food into the dry and he was in for a real treat!

I could tell that he loved it from the sounds of him licking the bowl with delight.

Roasted Chicken Carrot and spinach stew
He enjoyed the slow roasted flavor from the chicken along with the tender carrots and spinach so much so that he was begging for more after he licked the bowl clean.

Braised Beef Carrot and pea stew
Tender cuts of braised beef with peas and carrots 

I could tell that Jack loved the dog food samples of both the roasted chicken and braised beef stew from Hill's because he didn't sniff the bowl and then walk away plus he told me himself, woof woof!

Disclosure :
I received no compensation for this post but was provided with the above samples free of charge in exchange for my honest opinion which in fact are my own.








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