snowflake sweet potato cookie cutter pancakes with warm cranberry sauce

If you have sweet potato left over from the holidays your going to want to make these like right now!

Pancakes are my go to favorite breakfast food they are simple to make and can be
be made with sweet or savory ingredients plus they can feed a crowd.

Not to mention they can

Pancakes aren't just a eaa breakfast food they can be eaten at lunch or dinner! 

These beautiful yet fluffy and delicious pancakes are made with 

1/2 cup of leftover sweet potatoes
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon 

Mix all the ingredients till well combined then carefully pour onto a heated skillet 

till golden brown 

Press your cookie cutter of choice onto your pancake and ever so carefully scrape away any edges then plate them

Drizzle on syrup or fresh fruit eat & Enjoy!

These sweet potato snowflake pancakes aren't just festive they are delicious whether sprinkled with a dusting of confectioners sugar, a drizzle of maple syrup or topped with fresh fruit!

I had leftover cranberry sauce on hand so I nuked it in the microwave just a bit and drizzled it over the fluffy snowflakes and so glad I did because it was amazingly delicious! 

The pancakes were fluffy a little sweet from the dash of cinnamon that I used to infuse the batter it paired perfectly with the essence of orange juice with plump juicy tangy cranberries.


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