Healthy Surprise

As a child I was always overweight and constantly dieting and exercising as well throughout my teen years. Just last year I decided this is it, I don't want to be this way anymore and made a change. I joined Curves and have lost a total of 74 pounds. I am still eating right and going to Curves. 

I love some of the new healthy snacks I've found recently through a site called Healthy Surprise, think of it as Whole Foods grocery store in a box mailed to your house! When the box showed up one day on the doorstep I was so excited to see what was inside so I dug right in, and wow was I surprised or what with all of the goodies that they sent me! 

 Some of the products I have tried I loved! In the box I received: 

That's It Fruit Bars

A Lara Bar brownie 

Cocmocorn caramel popcorn

Hail Mary Almonds 

 Gone Nuts (cashews,almonds and cacao bits)

bag of Kale Crunch

 Bobo's Oat bread 

Coconut and Apricot bar

 Cocoroons Apple pie flavor

 The best thing about this is it's a monthly subscription and you can get healthy snacks delivered to your door.


  1. this a great review .. wanna see more

    1. Thanks! There are more of them individually like the Home Free Cookies and more will be coming soon!


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