Time to Sweat it Out!

Time to Sweat it out in Style with my new active wear jacket from Old Navy thanks to Crowdtap!

So excited to have received this coupon for some free active wear for a friend and I.

Feels so comfortable and love the color.

Losing weight feels great, especially when I can buy great clothing that looks nice and is affordable!

I know it stated Active Wear but when I saw this hooded sweatshirt I couldn't pass it up. Not for only $8!

I love the color and how comfortable it is!

Upon being over weight I was limited to clothing sizes and they just didn't feel right or look right.

Most importantly that has changed!

Never did I ever think I would be down to a size that I am in now.

Still have more to go but it takes time. 

Whoa anyways, trying on clothes now is great and I've found clothing that I look fabulous in.


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