Super eats kale and chia chips review !

Founder of Supereats Arron and Charlie were set on a mission to recreate a healthy chip that was made from healthy ingredients without sacrificing taste when Aaron's father was blindsided by heart disease. 

He then had to watch what he ate including snacks but at the time there wasn't a good healthy alternative to chips until now that is! 

They wanted their chips not only packed with real ingredients but great taste and good enough for dipping as well! 

They came up with kale and chia seeds to make sure there were no empty calories. 

Over at Supereats when it comes to snacking they sure do know what they are talking about! Have you ever had a snack that was healthy and just tasted like you were eating cardboard?! Well not these tasty chips ! They believe in real nutrition when it comes to snacking without sacrificing taste.

When I learned about their company I just had to try out their chips they sounded so tasty! 

Super eats facts:
Gluten free
Crunchy and delicious
High in antioxidants
Contains 4 grams of protein
Contains 4 grams of fiber
Non GMO 
Paleo friendly 
Contains a whopping 70% DV vitamin A 
Certified kosher
Cholesterol free
Trans fat free
Certified vegan
Made with fresh kale
Made with whole chia seeds 

You can even dip them in salsa, hummus or turn them into nachos and sprinkle on some cheese with all the toppings for a delightful meal! 

I was sent a VIP sampler pack of their chips to try for review and here are the flavors I was sent. 

Ranch chips are my favorite so I couldn't wait to try them out. I ripped the bag open and munched away they were in fact delicious they didn't have an overwhelming ranch flavor and were so different than your average ranch chips being that these are made from black beans, navy beans, kale, chia seeds with the yummy ranch flavor! 

Sea salt:

You know how when your eating a chip and all you taste is salt well not these crispy chips! They give a light salty taste with an amazing crunch! Once you crunch you just can't stop! 

Chili lime:
Spicy with a hint of sweetness ! 

Tomato basil:

Goes along great with some mozzarella cheese ! 

They also have a cheddar flavor as well! 







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