Appleooz Crunchy Apple Chipz review !

Appleooz crunchy Apple chips company began in Boulder Colorado December of 2012.
Appleooz Chipz are made with a mixture of Gala, Cameo, Pink Lady, Red Delicious, Granny Smith and honey crisp apples that are dried and mixed together in each bag.

Appleooz gets their apples from Idaho, Washington, California, and Colorado. 

Appleooz is different from any other Apple chip because they are handcrafted and preserved with natural fruit juices, they get their crunchiness from the slow dehydration process unlike freeze dried or baked fruit chips which you buy in stores. Everything from their preparation and dehydration process locks in flavor as well as moisture preserving the apples to make it crunchy and delicious ! 

Appleooz facts:

Did you know that Applepoz are Naturally Boulder's 2014 Pitch Slam Winner where they won a prize package worth almost $40K including a booth at Expo West which is the largest national foods trade show in the world ?!

Made with natural and organic fruit juices
Healthy snack
Gluten free
Contains no added sugars 
Natural source of energy 
No preservatives

Boulder Valley schools serve Appleooz to over 800 kids per month due to the products nutritional quality. Did you know that a 1/2 cup of dried apples equals 1 cup of fresh fruit? Appleooz "Donate Your Colorado Apples" program has allowed them to collect over 2500 pounds of local organic apples and the kids from BVSD also helped pick the apples in which they will eat as Apple chips later in the school year. 

Apples are literally my favorite fruit they are crunchy, delicious and not to mention healthy so when I came across Appleooz online I was curious about their products and had to check them out. 

I've tried apple chips in the past but wasn't too impressed with them they were either too plain or offered a funky aftertaste but not Appleooz they are made with a variety of different apples and sprinkled with cinnamon and make for the perfect snack! 

Mark founder of Appleooz was kind enough to send me samples of his delicious Apple chips for review. 

I loved munching on these apples in a number of ways such as on top of some organic vanilla yogurt with raisins and of course more cinnamon and it was simply out of this world amazing !

You could add it to ice cream for a sweet and healthy crunchy fruity topping ! 

I also made warmed up oatmeal and sprinkled it with cinnamon and added the Apple Chipz with a bit of raisins of course and a drizzle of milk for a delicious and filling breakfast on this chilly morning. Brrr. 

Appleooz can be found at Lucky's Markets, Alfalfa's and 22 Vitamin Cottages and 50+ retail locations in the Front Range from Denver to Boulder to Ft. Collins and Estes Park. You can also purchase them online on their website listed below ! 




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