Skinny Pop: Black Pepper Popcorn Review!

I've tried Skinny Pop before in an earlier review and absolutely loved their popcorn! It's full of flavor and best of all it's guilt free which is great it tastes like movie theater popcorn without all the butter how awesome is that!? 

So when I stumbled upon their new flavor black pepper on the web I just knew I had to see if I could do a review featuring their black pepper pop corn!

I was beyond ecstatic when I received the black pepper popcorn I couldn't wait to try it to see how it differs from their other popcorn. 

Peppery verdict:

I packed some to go along with my lunch and had to nibble on a piece and first thought that occurred to me was that it was very good and doesn't have an overwhelming peppery taste at all. It's lightly peppered and is a great snack to have when watching a movie! 





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