Ola Granola Review

Whether it's sprinkled on top of yogurt, layered in a parfait, on ice cream or in trail mix granola is by far my most favorite thing to eat!

It's healthy, delicious, fruity, nutty and chocolaty!

Yes, indeed some kinds aren't good for you but my gosh when it's all natural ,healthy and has got that crunch and touch of sweetness it's the perfect snack!

For breakfast practically every morning I make a parfait and add in fruit with sunflower seeds and works perfect with some coffee or juice!

With each brand of granola I've tried I've noticed that each one is different from the other whether it's crunchy, chewy, fruity,seedy, nutty,chocolaty, crumbly but most importantly healthy!

While browsing the net one night I came across Ola Granola and realized they make their granola by hand and also I saw that they had a Cranberry Orange Pecan Flavor and thought to myself I have got to try their granola's!

I got a response immediately from an email I sent them asking them if I could review their products and was so excited when I got the go!

I couldn't wait to try them!

For my review I was sent 2 travel sized packs of granola (vanilla almond and No nut vanilla)

(below photo)
Also received three big bags of their Cranberry Orange Pecan, No Nut Vanilla and Vanilla Almond!

Couldn't stop thinking about the Cranberry Orange Pecan it was just calling out to me, try me!

So I scooped out some yogurt and then sprinkled on sunflower seeds and the granola.

The granola was crunchy, delicious and not too over powering with cranberry orange taste like some products are.

Be sure to check them out online!

Also before I get to mention go their online website and order some, with this code here  KBW2013  you will receive free shipping on your order!

Thanks for reading, Enjoy!

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Sold at:

Whole Foods
Stop & Shop


  1. we are huge granola eaters.Had never heard of this company thanks for sharing


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