Nuzest clean lean protein review!

One of the most important things to remember when you workout is that you must have something after with some form of protein in it.

If you go from the gym to work like I do you'll need to make sure you get your dose of protein after your workout.

Sometimes I blend up a nutritious smoothie with fruit, yogurt and a bit of protein powder for a delicious snack for after my workout. Sometimes I toss in a bit of protein powder in my overnight oats for breakfast to keep me full longer or I cook up some pancakes on the weekend for breakfast.

I've tried many protein powders before and some weren't all that great.

When I came across Nuzest online I had to try them!

So what is Nuzest?

Let me tell you all about them and I bet your just dying to know the advantages of their protein powders.


It's made with 100% vegetable protein 
Low in fat
Low in carbohydrates 
Makes you feel full longer
Gluten free, egg free, dairy free, soy free and non GMO 
Low in allergens 
98% digestible rating making it easier to consume  
Contains 9 amino acids plus much more which is complete protein
High in glutamine which is an amino acid that's very important for post workout recovery and prevents muscle loss
Made with all natural ingredients 
Free of preservatives, additives and artificial flavors 

Did you know that Nuzest clean lean protein contains five times higher protein than fish, meat or chicken ?! Up to a whopping 90% !! How awesome is that?! 

So why do we need protein?

We already know that it helps us recover after a workout and prevents muscle loss from happening but why else do we need it?

Important factors on protein:

Supports energy levels
weight control

So what happens when we don't get enough protein?

Insufficient protein:
Lack of strength
Muscle loss
Dry skin
Poor digestion

It can also lead to serious problems such as mental health issues and long term physical problems.

I never knew this much about protein in my life before and never really knew what it was when I was little, but since I watch what I eat I'm more knowledgeable now and I make sure I consume some form of protein after my workouts.

Nuzest sent me their protein powders to try out for review and I couldn't wait to start trying them in some delicious recipes! 

You can add two scoops of your protein mix into 12oz or more of water or add it to any milk your prefer such as chocolate, unsweetened vanilla almond milk or even coconut water for a tasty snack or post workout recovery option! 

Available in these four flavors:
Creamy cappuccino 
Rich chocolate
Smooth vanilla
Just natural

Smooth Vanilla:

I had some truwhip in the fridge and an idea popped into my head since I've been craving ice cream lately. So before I went for a nice walk around my neighborhood I went to the fridge and grabbed the truwhip out of the fridge, which is a healthier alternative to a whipped topping for ice cream and so delicious! I then spooned out two table spoons of the truwhip then spooned in some vanilla protein powder and then sprinkled in some raspberries and organic frozen blueberries on top and stuck it in the freezer. By the time I was back from my walk it was frozen and I was ready to dig in! I spooned on a bit of chocolate chips and it was purely delicious. It helped with my sweet craving! 

I also whipped up some raspberry cheesecake protein pancakes this morning for breakfast with the vanilla protein powder and my god was it delicious, it was creamy, fruity and gave them great flavor! I then drizzled on some strawberry yogurt since I didn't have any raspberry yogurt on hand. 

Rich Chocolate:

The possibilities are endless when it comes to chocolate protein powders, whether you blend them in the blender for a post workout smoothie, scoop some into muffins for a healthy and hearty breakfast to start your morning or make some no bake cookies like I did! No bake cookies are very easy to make and they make a quick snack for when you have no time to throw something together before you run out the door for work or dropping the kids off at soccer practice and such. Here's what you'll need when it comes to making no bake cookies.

1 cup organic oats
1/4 cup creamy peanut butter ( I used peanut butter and company's smooth operator)
1/4 cup of honey
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (I used vanilla agave syrup which works too)
1 scoop of protein powder (any you like)

In a large bowl combine the oats and protein powder together, then pour in the melty goodness of peanut butter, honey and vanilla then grab a spatula and mix together.

Take a small spoon and roll the protein balls in the palm of your hand.

Set them on a plate covered with either waxed paper or even a paper towel and  have them chill in the fridge for an hour.

Then put them in an air tight container and enjoy them!

You can even add all kinds of things to these such as almonds, shredded coconut or even chocolate chips! 

Microwave the peanut butter, vanilla and honey in a small bowl for 30 seconds or until melted







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