Diana's Bananas Review

I was sent a package of wonderful chocolate frozen dipped bananas from a company by the name of Diana's Bananas for review.

I am a big fan of chocolate coated candies, pretzels you name it I love it!

So when I came across Diana's Bananas I thought to myself I have got to try these!

What better way to cure your craving for something sweet than with a delicious frozen banana!?

I swear it tastes just like ice cream and you won't even miss it!

I was waiting in anticipation for the box to arrive, so when I knew it arrived today I couldn't wait to just dig in!

So when I got home I opened the box and saw 6 boxes!

3 milk chocolate and 3 dark chocolate!

They also come in minis as well now!

Fun Facts:

made with real bananas 
it's not messy
it's bite sized
a cool treat
made with real chocolate!
Gluten Free

I chose to eat the frozen banana dipped in milk chocolate as a sweet snack today.

I don't think I've ever tried them before, I am sure I would have remembered something as amazing as this was!

Kid you not it's like eating ice cream on a stick but it's a banana dipped in chocolate none the less!

I ate one as soon as I opened the package I just had to try it.

The milk chocolate was delicious and was the perfect treat!

Hey at least it had fruit in it!

They also have ones with peanuts on them!

Be sure to check them out!

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Due to FCC guidelines:
Diana's Bananas sent me their milk chocolate and dark chocolate dipped bananas in exchange for a product review. However, All the opinions expressed here are my own.


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