Skinny Pop Popcorn Review

I am a huge fan of popcorn especially movie theater popcorn.

Which when your trying to eat right is a big no no!

I was given some bags of popcorn for review and was blown away at how great this snack is!

With the help of Skinny Pop I now can still eat popcorn as a guilt free snack and enjoy it as well!

It is so delicious, light, fluffy and tastes just like movie popcorn without all of the greasy butter.

I know, best part but this popcorn doesn't need any butter at all!

Add some raisins or even some pieces of chocolate for a tasty treat!

I love how you can eat a big portion of it and it's still guilt free!

Only 39 calories per cup.

Don't you just love snacks that are guilt free?

Oh, the best part is it's cholesterol free as well!

Also zero grams trans fat! 

How awesome is that?!


All natural
guilt free
cholesterol free
tree free
peanut free
dairy free
preservative free
gluten free
and a good source of fiber

Check them out on the web!

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