Hubert's Lemonade Review And Giveaway!

Congrats to Laura !

send me your mailing address please when you get the chance! 

Hubert Hanson founder of Hubert's Lemonade started making the best all natural lemonade in 1935 and would drive around in his truck delivering these delicious drinks to rising stars, as they say it's irresistible and tasty! 

I was sent some delicious all natural lemonade's for review by Hubert's Lemonade.

They are both sweet and tangy.

What comes to mind drinking these in sipping on lemonade by the beach in the summer time, so cool and refreshing.

It sure is happiness in a bottle!

For my review I was sent the strawberry lemonade and also mango lemonade!

I couldn't wait to try the mango so when they first arrived today I opened the bottle and took a sip.

I was so very much in love, it was refreshing and had just the right amount of sweetness.

Tomorrow for sure I will be trying the Strawberry!

*Other Flavors*

Honey Lemonade
Blackberry Lemonade

They also sell them in half tea half lemonade!

It's Giveaway time!

I have 2 coupons for a free lemonade to give to 2 lucky readers! 

All you have to do is follow these guidelines to enter to win!


1. What's you're favorite summer time drink?

Want an extra entry?

2.  Must Follow my blog.

3.Then also follow me via Twitter, here.

4. then Re tweet my post about the giveaway and if you tweet on your own make sure you use #HubertsLemonade

5. leave me a link here to your tweet.

6. Like their face book page as well 

Due to FCC guidelines:

Hubert's Lemonade sent me 2 lemonades of my choice in exchange for a product review. However, All the opinions expressed here are my own.


  1. Lemonade and tea are my favorites. I follow your blog & you on Twitter. Follow Hubert's on Twitter & FB, RTd your tweet -

  2. Definitely lemonade/sweet tea split (half & half)!

  3. I follow your blog on GFC - Laura Craig

  4. Follow you on Twitter - @lpcraigchs


  6. I Like Hubert's on FB - Laura Parker Craig

  7. I follow Hubert's on Twitter @lpcraigchs


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