Kona Kase Review

Since losing weight I need to have good foods around the house to keep myself in check so I won't over eat especially foods that are no good for me.

What better way to stay healthy than receiving delicious snacks straight to you're door?

When I came across Kona Kase and saw that they offer all natural hand picked snacks that are healthy I just knew I had to contact them for review.

I was psyched when I heard a knock at my door the other morning and Kona Kase arrived!

I couldn't wait to see what I was going to be reviewing!

I was so excited when I saw some of the products I've seen before so I knew I was going to love this box!

In my box I received:

Lentil's Chips
SanFranola Granola
FRS Chews
Pacific Health Labs- 2nd Surge Energy Gel
Pocket Fuel
Kind Bar

I will be telling you about each product in detail.

SanFranola Granola:

fresh roasted granola!

High in protein and higher in fiber as well.

Less sugar than your average granola's.

Single serve packets for on the go!

Add some to your yogurt, ice cream or on top of a smoothie for a light crunch!

You will always have a healthy snack at hand whether your going on a hike, going to the beach, or even working out.

You will be pleased with this subscription box of healthy snacks for you and you can even send them to someone as a gift!

Kind Bar:

Of course I didn't take a photo before I ate it, ugh cravings!

Any who I received the Almond, Walnut and Macadamia nut bar and it is so delicious, super nutty and sweet too!
Packed with protein and makes a great snack and nut lovers will love it!

Enjoy Life Plentil Chips:
I am absolutely in love with these Lentil Chips that I received in my Kona Kase Box!

They taste sort of like Muncho's Chips with a robust garlic and Parmesan flavor. 

I am a big fan of chips that have a certain flavor such as these wonderful crispy tasty chips.

They are also good for you and gluten free!

Pocket Fuel:

Almond Butter with a kick!

It's portable and you can bring it anywhere with you.

Packed with seeds,nuts and fruits to give you a boost of sustained energy from an intense workout and perfect recovery snack.

You can squirt it on apples, add to a smoothie, or even spread it on rice cakes!

Vitalyte Chia Surge:

Chia seeds in gel form, gives you're body what it needs to kill any workout or even competition. 

Pacific Health Labs 2nd Surge Energy Gel:

Proven to deliver nutrients during your workouts, you can use it before or after exercise.

FRS Chews:

Feeling like you just want to give up in the middle of a long intense run?

Pop in an FRS energy chew and you will feel energized in no time.

Just take the recommend amount of 2 chews twice daily and within 3-4 days you will feel energized! 


A nutrition bar developed by dancers and for everyone to enjoy!

Free of refined sugars and provides balanced nutrition.

Be sure to check them out online here:

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Due to FCC guidelines:
Kona Kase sent me healthy snacks in exchange for a product review. However, All the opinions expressed here are my own.


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