Julie's Organic Ice Cream Review

Julie and her husband Tom of Julie's Organic Ice Cream along with their two sons purchased a ice cream company in 1996 and wanted to make ice cream products that were better for the family and also the environment.

So she set out on a mission and started to get to work by finding the best of ingredients to make the ice creams taste great!

They started getting their hands on the best add ins for their ice creams such as fruits, cream, chocolates and ice cream.

Then in 1998 they launched their company of the most delicious ice creams and have grown since then from pints, ice cream bars, novelties, and they've also got non dairy products as well!

Have you ever heard of Alden's ice cream?

Julie's son is in fact Alden, he launched the first family sized ice cream!

Wow, I never knew that!

Growing up I would always have ice cream, whether it was  for going to see the fireworks, going to the beach or just as a treat at the ice cream parlor it was pure heaven and so delicious!

So, words can not describe how excited I was when I was sent some coupons for review!

I couldn't wait to try them!

Ha ha I have found you at least!

At first when I went into Whole Foods I couldn't find the pints.

So today I went to my local Shaw's market and what do you know!?


Right in the freezer section!

I am so glad I found this stuff!

Vanilla cookie with Lemon Ice Cream Sandwich:

The lemon ice cream is creamy, cool and refreshing with a citrus zing that will make your lips pucker!

Tastes great with the decadent smoothness of the vanilla cookie.

Chocolate Cookie with Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich:

Now I've tried many ice cream sandwiches and loved them as a kid!

I love the packaging of these, they are very creative and decorative looking!

You could even reuse them!

Mom and I couldn't wait to eat one, so we opened one in the car.

You know how when you bite into an ice cream cookie sandwich and it's mushy and it gets all over your fingers?

Well not this cookie!

It has great chocolate taste in the cookie and it's a little crunchy so it doesn't melt on your fingers!

Great vanilla ice cream center, so delicious and creamy sandwiched between the two cookies!

Vanilla Ice Cream:

I don't know about you but whenever I have ice cream it needs something on top, whether it's some fresh fruit, chocolate syrup or caramel sauce!

Just tastes good with a little extra something you know?

One of my latest obsessions is the Nature's Path Love Crunch granola's!

They are so delicious and don't have all those added sugars,fats and hidden ingredients like other brands do.

So I sprinkled some of the Love Crunch Aloha Blend on top of Julie's Organic Vanilla ice cream.

Those of you who haven't heard or seen the Aloha mixture it has bits of coconut, freeze dried pineapples and best of all white chocolate!

I couldn't wait to dig in!

I then took a little spoonful and tried it!

This is seriously the best ice cream that I have had in a long time!

It's made with organic and all natural ingredients and it tastes homemade like it came fresh out of the ice cream maker!

Great vanilla taste and it didn't even need any ingredients at all, but hey that's just me!

Chocolate Frozen Yogurt:

I could not believe the taste of the chocolate, it was amazing!

Sweet, creamy and delicious.

Didn't have the icy texture in it like some other frozen yogurts do.

Great for shakes, on a cone or in a bowl with some sprinkled granola or fresh fruit!

Blackberry Sorbet Bar:

Hot day?

This refreshingly cool and creamy treat will sure cool you down.

So light and delicious.

You can really taste the blackberries as well which is great because I love blackberries!

Always throw them on top of my yogurt when I have some handy in the house.

*Other products*
Sorbet bars
non dairy pints
ice cream bars
non dairy novelties
ice cream sandwiches
frozen yogurt
ice cream pints
yogurt bars


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Due to FFC rules I've received no compensation for this.
Julie's Organic Ice Cream Company has provided me with coupons for free ice cream products of my choice in exchange for a product review.
However, all opinions expressed are my own.


  1. omg sounds great..hee hee "aloha mixture" sounds like my style

  2. OMG!!! That looks and sounds incredible. I want to try their frozen yogurt and sorbet(since I am on a diet and cannot have Ice cream).

  3. It is wonderful! Great taste and creamy! Not an icy texture that ice creams get at times either! When it gets that way then to me it doesn't taste good, but this is amazing!!

  4. I am eating right as well, but eat stuff like ice cream and cookies in moderation.

  5. I have a huge crush on ice cream! I also love to put nuts on mine too!

  6. I love the idea and flavors yummy

  7. Oh my gosh! I could eat ice cream all day every day if I wouldn't gain any weight from it! Having it be organic & super delicious is just an added bonus in my book. I have to be on the lookout for this at the stores!

    1. It is very good! I know right! I eat sweets still but in moderation.

  8. Great review! I'll give organic ice cream another try, years ago when I bought some it just didn't have that creamy good taste.

    1. This one is so good! It has that creamy delicious taste!


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