Sun Cups Review

Created for peanut allergies Sun Cups came up with a sweet and creamy alternative to peanut butter with sunflower butter.

They then took the jar of Sun Flower butter and chocolate and that's when Sun Cups were born!

I am a huge fan of sweets whether it's caramel, peanut butter you name it I love it!

I've never tried sunflower butter before, so when I came across Sun Cups I just knew I had to give them a try.

I was sent their cups of mint, caramel and sunflower butter for review. 

I absolutely love the packaging on these tasty little treats.

With a name like Sun Cups it's sure to make you happy by just looking at the colorful and detailed packaging.

For a treat this afternoon mom and I dished out some ice cream and put a caramel cup on top and it was pure deliciousness. 

The taste of the sweet milk chocolate and the luscious caramel along with the creamy vanilla ice cream was amazing. 

Sunny Facts:
Gluten Free
Nut Free
Certified Organic

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Due to FCC guidelines:
Sun Cups sent me their chocolate cups in exchange for a product review. However, All the opinions expressed here are my own.


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