Salba smart Chia seeds review and giveaway!

Did you know that even though chia seeds are small they are packed with tons of nutrients being high in fiber that's chock full of minerals, antioxidants and vitamins!

What came to my mind to do this review was overnight oats with the chia seeds I was sent for review thanks to Salba Smart . Overnight oats is my new addiction! They are easy to make. What are overnight oats do you ask? It's oatmeal that you whip up with fruits, nuts, jams, peanut butter, yogurt or even chocolate and leave it in a container or jar overnight and then the oatmeal thickens and is amazingly delicious for breakfast in the morning because it's filling and there are so many recipes out there! When you wake up in the morning after the oats have thickened along with the ingredients you can top it off with some more ingredients like fruits, peanut butter, chocolate or even jam! 

I've made all kinds of overnight oats from eggnog to peanut butter and jelly, chunky monkey you name it and with the chia seeds mixed in it makes the oats even thicker  along with chia seeds because the milk or water ( could use either) absorbs the liquid making them plump!

Not only do the seeds go great in the oats they also work wonders in smoothies, puddings, muffins and even breads!

Not only does Salba Chia sell chia seeds they have tortilla chips and chia salsa!

One lucky winner will receive their very own chia seeds to whip up all kinds of recipes!

Good luck!





  1. Chia is ALWAYS in my yogurt, and I eat yogurt everyday :)


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