Food For Life Review

Whether you are trying to eat healthy, live on a budget or try to maintain a healthy lifestyle it's tough at times am I right?

With eating healthy I still at times run into wanting sweets.

I make myself a healthy breakfast that's easy, affordable and not to mention delicious.

I was recently given the opportunity to review products from a company called Food For Life.

If you haven't ever heard of it you probably have heard or seen their Ezekial products such as breads and cereals. 

Usually for breakfast I eat oatmeal but was feeling a bit adventurous with food this morning and set out on a mission to make something different that was not just healthy but could last up until lunch time.

Here it is ta DA!

Finished product!

My breakfast this morning:

A cinnamon raisin English muffin with some Barney's almond butter (smooth)

with a chopped banana and of course my coffee!

I have tried my fair share of different kinds of English muffin brands, but recently I am into organic and sprouted breads.

I am in absolute love with Ezekial's cinnamon raisin English muffins.

They are fluffy and they don't crumble when you slice them apart.

They have a touch of sweetness to them as well which is great.

You can add a little honey to them if you wanted with some almond butter like I do on rice cakes all the time!

This morning I felt like having eggs, so I decided to make a sandwich using ham, egg and cheese on The Cinnamon Raisin English muffin.

It was very good!

The sweetness of the raisins made the sandwich!

sesame bread:

whoa, a bit different from your average sesame bread!

Reminded me of wheat bread with sesame seeds on it.

It was so good though!

Tons of great flavor and works great for a sandwich!

Gluten free
Diabetic friendly
sprouted grains
yeast free
also high in fiber 


vegan meats
pocket breads
English muffins

*Coming soon*

Want to check out their full line of products?
