Kevita: Delicious Vitality Review

Looking for a probiotic drink that's not dairy? 

You should give these wonderful tasty drinks a try from a sparkling company called Kevita.

What is Kevita?

It's a sparkling drink that has 4 strains of live probiotics in them, with delicious vitality in every sip.

It's created for optimum health to help support immune systems and health.

Did you know that they are on the move to end obesity in the United States?

Whoa, Did not not know at all!


low calorie
gluten free
non gmo

I was sent a bunch of coupons for me to review these wonderful bubbly drinks!

Now keep in mind, I haven't used all of them yet.

So I'm still testing them out.

Sparkling probiotic drinks:

Mango Coconut:

As you can tell by my reaction above, I am in love with this flavor!

I have an obsession with all things coconut and love when it's paired with fruits.

My first choice was the mango coconut to test out.

I loved it!

It's bubbly, sweet and has great mango coconut flavor!

Strawberry acai coconut:

Was not a fan of this one as much.

All though I do love coconut and strawberries it just wasn't for me.

It tasted OK to me, wasn't my favorite.


I thought this one tasted pretty good!

Great flavor and the right amount of fizz to it!


Great coconut flavor and very refreshing!

They offer a wide variety of flavors.

They have daily cleansing ones as well that acts as a detox drink!

For all of you mojito lovers out there they have a mojita drink as well!
Want to pick some up for yourself to give them a try?

Find them at a Whole Foods store near you!

Or if you want to check them out first on the web you can reach them over at these social networking sites.


  1. I have heard great things about drinks like this. Good to read a review about them and I love that you tell us exactly what you think about each flavor so I know what to try first and possibly what to avoid depending on my own tastes.


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