Freeman Feeling Beautiful Multi-Masking Klout Perk

Thanks to Klout and Freeman Beauty I was sent these wonderful facial masks to add to my daily routine!

I have used some of  Freeman's beauty products in the past but couldn't wait to test these masks out!

I don't wear makeup too often but when I do it's great to have these facial masks handy to wipe all that gunk away on your face from the makeup that you think you have taken care of but didn't.

Cucumber facial peel off mask:
I've used this same exact mask before when I was younger and I absolutely loved it! I loved that not only did my face feel softer but it also removed the days makeup as well leaving it looking fresh and clean!

Avocado & Oatmeal facial clay mask:

Love that it doesn't make my face feel dried out upon using this facial mask like some others have done in the past. It also lifts toxins out of the skin leaving it softer.

Charcoal & Black Sugar Facial polishing mask:
Love how this product isn't like any ordinary mask it starts out as a facial scrub first then purifying like a mask!
