Van Holten Pickles Review!

To me I think the toppings you put on a sandwich can really make it tastier  such as cheese, mayo lettuce, tomato and the best part that gives it that crunch is a Van Holten's pickle! 

I absolutely love pickles especially on my sandwich or on the side!

I like them sweet and tangy, that's why when I heard about Van Holten's pickles and how they offer different kinds I've never heard of before I just had to review them!

I was sent some of their pickles along for review and a bag of popcorn, you guessed it pickled flavor!!

Great popcorn I might add!

Pickles are not only great sandwich toppers but are healthier snack alternatives and are oh so delicious in all kinds of recipes such as macaroni salad!

I was sent these pickles for review:


Great juicy tart flavor and was the perfect side for my soup and sandwich for dinner!!

If you love foods with a kick then this pickle flavor is for you! 

Big papa:
I'm not a fan of some pickles that are tart I like some sweetness in them too but this one was super delicious !

Hot mama:
Don't really like hot and spicy foods, I do admit though it was still good !

Hearty dill:
Great tasting pickle and was fantastic on my sandwich gave it the right amount of crunch!

Pickle popcorn:
I've tried pickle potato chips before so I couldn't wait to try out the popcorn! It was amazing! 






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