Real Purity Organics Review and giveaway!

I don't know about you but when it comes to my hair and body I care about what I put into it and concerned about the chemicals that some companies put in their products just to make it smell nice. Have you ever noticed that when using some shampoos and cream rinses your scalp ends up being itchy? That's because of the chemicals that are in it! I came across Real Purity website online and they have all sorts of all natural hair care products you name it they've got it! I just had to try them out for review!

I loved how I got to choose which products I wanted to review as well! So many choices !! 

Since I was almost out of shampoo and cream rinse I decided to choose just that and also a shaving cream ! I couldn't wait to try them!

How Real Purity got their name:

"In their own words"

Virginia Easterling was a woman ahead of her time. A true pioneer. In 1986,
before the words 'recycle', 'natural', and 'organic' entered our vocabulary, Virginia was developing health and beauty products made with all-natural plant ingredients, minerals, and pure essential oils.

A licensed cosmetologist and esthetician, Virginia realized that the many chemicals and synthetic substances in the cosmetics and other beauty products used by her clients were the cause of the rashes and other skin and scalp conditions they came to her to alleviate. Putting her background in chemistry and biochemistry to work – along with her love of herbs and essential oils – Virginia founded Real Purity, one of the first companies in the world to focus on 100% natural and organic health and beauty products.

Today, Real Purity is more than that. It's the brand for people who want 'natural' and 'organic' to mean just that. It's the brand for people who know and care that the products they put on their skin or in their hair end up in our water supply and in our environment. It's the brand for people who not only want their health and beauty products to be environmentally friendly, but also to provide positive health benefits. It's the brand for people who care as much about what they put on their body as what they put in it. Real Purity is for YOU.

Real Purity is family owned and operated for four generations. All Real Purity products are Made in the USA.

Shampoo and cream rinse:
I have long thick beautiful hair and it's hard to manage especially with certain shampoos and cream rinses it will leave it feeling dry and not so easy to brush but all that has changed with Real Purity ! I love the way the products made my hair more easier to run the brush through it with less tangles and made it shine!

Shave cream:
I wasn't too thrilled at how the shave cream smelled but it made my legs smoother upon shaving.

With Christmas right around the corner you don't want to miss out on this giveaway be sure to enter! 

Good luck!

Winner will win the shampoo, cream rinse and shave cream !





  1. Seriously, if you want people to enter your giveaways, you need to make things optional. People like having the choice, you're making it a "need" more than a "want". Think about it.

    I don't understand the need to delete these posts, I wasn't being mean at all.

  2. I fixed it! Good luck! Some are mandatory and some aren't! I've been getting rude comments lately on reviews and I wasn't saying yours was.


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