The Cookie Department Review!

For quite some time now I've been on a mission to lose weight and my hard work certainly does pay off, I'm down 107 pounds now. I still eat sweets every now and then but make sure it's healthy too which is important. When I heard about these cookies from The Cookie department I just had to give them a whirl! They are made with the good stuff such as protein, cranberries and maca so since I came across their cookies and got to reading more about them I just had to review their cookies and share with you all! 

Awaken Baked espresso :
This powerful cookie will sure wake you up with it's bold espresso taste and chock full of chocolate chips! My two favorite things coffee and chocolate! Did you know that the caffeine in this yummy cookie is equivalent to one shot of espresso?

Tough cookie peanut butter protein:

Moist and flavorful cookie tastes like it was fresh out of the oven baked to perfection. Packed with peanut butter whey protein and caramel bits making it oh so delicious giving you great protein for 
those intense workouts! 

Vitality chocolate chip nookie:
Mouth watering chocolate chip cookie made with maca which is a superfood to boost vitality, I never knew that! 

Vegan sweet potato great full wellness :
I love sweet potatoes they are sweet and delicious this cookie is amazing it not only contains sweet potatoes but tangy cranberries as well giving you a boost of antioxidants in every bite! 

Ginger detox snap back :
One of my favorite fall favorite sweet treats is a ginger snap cookie they give great flavor and the zing from the ginger makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside! This cookie is made with well ginger of course, blackstrap molasses and get this cayenne! Giving your body a more natural detox. 





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